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Support The Aid For Friends Shelter

Our expanded emergency shelter serves Southeast Idaho residents experiencing or facing homelessness while helping them access the support resources they need to get back on their feet.

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Help make a difference for Pocatello's homeless

At Aid For Friends, we help those in need with immediate shelter, services and personal and professional attention. We strive to offer hope to individuals and families experiencing or facing homelessness.


Your donation will help provide critical shelter and enhanced resources for low-income and homeless families in Southwest Idaho.

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Spread the Word

If you are passionate about our cause, consider sharing updates on our fundraising efforts with your friends, family and coworkers.

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Your small contributions of time or talent can have a big impact on some of most vulnerable members of our community.

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18th Annual Homelessness Awareness Encampment and Fundraiser

Participate in Pocatello’s most unique fundraiser on December 7-8

Visit our Encampment Page for full details.